• Children's & Young Adult Books

    Garden love: ‘In My Garden’ by Kate Mayes & Tamsin Ainslie

    There is a very welcome trend in books for very young readers that focus on the amazing variety of cultures, languages and traditions across the globe, while emphasizing the things we all share.

    In My Garden is a lovely addition to these, celebrating as it does the attractions of the outdoors and nature across a range of landscapes.

    We visit a little girl who lives on a river boat in Laos, another in Australia’s tropical north, a boy in New Zealand who watches over little penguin nests and one who sees the rubble of bombed out buildings in war-torn Syria.

    Other landscapes and gardens are from Iceland, Japan, America, Malawi, Canada, Italy and Brazil.

    No matter where the children live, they are all nurtured by the beauties of nature, even little Sami who holds a pine cone from a garden not far from his apartment, which helps him remember Crocuses, tulips and the great Aleppo pine. That garden is his favourite place. He is remembering something there.

    The pages are filled with detail and colour and are truly lovely. Young children can spend time identifying and perhaps naming the various plants and animals they can find, as they absorb the truth that children are children the world over.

    In My Garden celebrates and honours the role that nature plays in all our lives, no matter where we live.
    It is published by HarperCollins Children’s Books in August 2023.
    My thanks to the publishers for a review copy.